
Admin: LAN

LAN Protocol:
LAN Netmask:
LAN Default Route:
Static Routes:
Disable NAT:
Disable Firewall:
Note: The firewall function between WLAN and LAN is not active, because the LAN IP address ($lan_ipaddr) is part of the WLAN network ($wifi_ipaddr/$wifi_netmask).
DHCP Start IP:
DHCP Number of Users: (DHCP off with "0")
DHCP Lease Time: seconds

Tip: These settings influence the configuration, which is sent to wired clients via DHCP. To ensure a convenient network access, you should enter the Host Name and the internal Domain (-> System).

The changed settings are committed. The settings are active after the next Restart.
No settings are changed.
Changed: 22.9.2006
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