MAC Clone                                                                        

MAC Cloning

The Router��s MAC address is a 12-digit code assigned to a unique piece of hardware for identification. Some ISPs require that you register the MAC address of your network card/adapter, which was connected to your cable or DSL modem during installation. If your ISP requires MAC address registration, find your adapter��s MAC address by following the instructions for your PC��s operating system.


For Windows 98 and Millennium:

1.      Click the Start button, and select Run.

2.      Type winipcfg in the field provided, and press the OK key.

3.      Select the Ethernet adapter you are using.

4.      Click More Info.

5.      Write down your adapter��s MAC address.


For Windows 2000 and XP:

1.      Click the Start button, and select Run.

2.      Type cmd in the field provided, and press the OK key.

3.      At the command prompt, run ipconfig /all, and look at your adapter��s physical address.

4.      Write down your adapter��s MAC address.


To clone your network adapter��s MAC address onto the Router and avoid calling your ISP to change the registered MAC address, follow these instructions:


1.      Select Enable.

2.      Enter your adapter��s MAC address in the MAC Address field.

3.      Click the Save Settings button.


To disable MAC address cloning, keep the default setting, Disable.



Check all the values and click Save Settings to save your settings. Click Cancel Changes to cancel your unsaved changes.